
Posts: 15,484
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I Root For: UNCW / America
New Moderator
Anyone (UNCW fan) who wants to moderate here throw your name in the hat below.
I’m stepping back.
Vote on it if you want to. I’m going to PM the site owner now to inform him.
It’s been a pleasure, and hope you all stay well.
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04-19-2023 10:05 AM |
2nd String

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RE: New Moderator
Lost another one to the portal.
Appreciate your time. I don’t post often but check in from time to time and I thought you did a great job and were as fair as you could be while also having an opinion of your own on most topics.
Remind us again of the duration of your public service. Did you endure Keatts departure, the CB years, and Siddle?
What was the worst to deal with as a moderator? The cb years? The baseball team’s exploration into motivational erotic toys?
04-20-2023 05:57 AM |
All American

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RE: New Moderator
Sorry to see you go as moderator!
04-20-2023 10:12 AM |
Hall of Famer

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New Moderator
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04-21-2023 03:04 AM |

Posts: 15,484
Joined: Dec 2014
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I Root For: UNCW / America
New Moderator
(04-20-2023 05:57 AM)getmhawks Wrote: Lost another one to the portal.
Appreciate your time. I don’t post often but check in from time to time and I thought you did a great job and were as fair as you could be while also having an opinion of your own on most topics.
Remind us again of the duration of your public service. Did you endure Keatts departure, the CB years, and Siddle?
What was the worst to deal with as a moderator? The cb years? The baseball team’s exploration into motivational erotic toys?
Appreciate it. It’s time. I probably stayed on too long as it was. It’s good to have turnover from time to time.
I think I started in either 2012 or 2013. I can’t remember the exact year. That most difficult thing to deal with is having an opinion on topics. It’s difficult to say what you want to say at times, because of the standard your expected, for right or wrong. Honestly, most times it kept me from saying things I shouldn’t anyways so it was mostly a good thing. The other difficult thing is when you have to moderate your fellow fans and especially your own friends.
Thankfully I’ve made a few good friends on here, and I appreciate the kindness you all have always shown me, even if I didn’t deserve it. You’re all the best fans in the CAA, and I hope life rewards all of you.
Adios amigos!
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04-21-2023 09:53 AM |
All American

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RE: New Moderator
Thanks B. It’s not easy because I basically started this board for us and was the Mod for a while. Good job my man and thank you!! You did your part so someone else needs to step up.
If there is someone that wants to be that person, let us know. Between running a laboratory, taking care of my mother and being a husband and father, I really don’t have time anymore. If you can volunteer and want to step up, let us know. If nobody steps up, I may possibly step up again in an interim role but I am working 50 plus right now, taking care of an aging mother, trying to be a husband and father of 2 sons and I am 59 years old. Younger man’s role.
Appreciate you B!
04-21-2023 10:43 PM |