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Deman Action From the White House
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The WEST is the BEST Offline
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Deman Action From the White House
It's time for a "No-Confidence Vote", as they have in Parliamentary systems.

We have clearly entered a Recession. And the White House and Congress continue to make recommendations for additional programs of the kind that are solely responsible for this disaster. Thank God for the senator from WV. At least he'll block any additional spending and nutty tax suggestions. We are down one million barrels of oil a day compared to we were when we entered this inflationary/recessionary period all due to changes Biden made to appease the Far Left in his party. Countries in Europe that have a strong green policy are now temporarily reversing their green policies to provide relief to their citizens. And what is the White House suggesting? Buy an electric car. What a great idea! We can't even find cars in general. And it would take at least twenty years of electric car production to have any impact. Assuming ICE owners are buying electric cars as fast as they can.

Interest rates need to be raised now, and they need to be aggressive and bite this problem in the butt now. For those of you under the age of 62, you have no idea what the inflationary/recessionary period was like in the 70s. Mortgage rates up to 18%. You prayed you could find an assumable mortgage. The government took action to be compassionate to taxpayers that only amplified and prolonged the problem. Unemployment was a major problem. And this current period is far worse than what we experienced then.

The Democrats are looking at a blood bath this November. The party in power always takes a hit during economic downturns. But with the far move to the left by the President, combined with a President that appears weak and shows his advanced years during the few and brief (pre-planned) press conferences, it will only get worse for the Democrats in November. And don't forget the horrible job of the White House when it comes to messaging. The majority of voters don't buy the ridiculous explanations that are provided concerning the economy. If you can't clearly articulate a plan to the voters you are setting yourself up for disaster at the polls.

Americans do not like parties that shift too far left or too far right. They are right of center. This administration has made all the wrong moves by trying to appease the far left of the party - which represents a very small portion of voters. This November election will be horrible for the Democrats and the president either doesn't care or doesn't have the facilities to identify the issues and take the required actions.
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2022 08:34 AM by The WEST is the BEST.)
07-14-2022 08:29 AM
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