(08-25-2017 02:40 PM)Brookes Owl Wrote: I won't suggest it should be on anybody else's list, but I loved 1941. I don't usually love movies everyone else hates, or vice versa, but for some reason this one hits me right in the sweet spot. It helps that it came out when I was a teenager - it was raunchy, completely politically incorrect, and had a bunch of the top comedians of the day. Many say Spielberg tried to do too much but for me it was just right. Now, decades later, I still love it but I don't know if that's nostalgia or genuine affection. Doesn't matter.
John Belushi, Dan Akroyd, John Candy, Tim Matheson were of course heroes in 1979, but the rest of the cast was amazing as well: Robert Stack, Ned Beatty, Slim Pickens, Christopher Lee, Treat Williams and a host of others. And the soundtrack is also one of my all time favorites (John Williams of course).
I really liked it, the set work up of 1941 LA was fantastic.
Apparently, none of you have seen Its a Mad Mad Mad world, as none of you have mentioned it. It is one of the top 5 ever, with an epic cast. While Waterboy, Happy Gilmore and other newer ones are good, they are a couple notches under Mad Mad World.
Quote:So, BBC Culture has posed a question to 253 film critics to come up with their choices for the 100 greatest comedies of all time. 118 women and 135 men from 52 countries and all from reputable outlets participated in the survey which asked for the ten best comedies of all time.
Given the criteria, it seems like a reasonable list.